Saturday, February 16, 2008

si Keren, Nokia N78

Ini nihh hape keren, New Nokia N78 HSDPA Phone, secara tekhnis tidak jauh beda dengan Mobile Phone HSDPA Nokia, dengan dimensi 113 x 49 x 15.1 mm dan 101.8 g, N78 terasa tidak terlalu berat dan besar. Internal memory 70Mb dan support Micro SD, dan lagi Camera 3.15MP nya udah menggunakan lensa Carl Zeiss, wah sudah pasti hasil bidikan kamera dari handphone ini sangat keren, udah gitu ngga seperti E51 yang juga sudah dilengkapi WiFi untuk sarana mobile internet, N78 turut mensertakan secondary camera yg bisa digunakan untuk video call, lengkap sudah, handphone kompak, mini tetapi maksi, bisa menggusur nokia 6120 milik saya nih. :)
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Top 12 Nada Sambung Pribadi Telkomsel

Ring ID
Judul Lagu
Nama Artis

0111633 Kehadiranmu Namb
0111933 11 Januari (XVII) Gigi
0111963 Menjaga Hati YOVIE dan NUNO
0112116 Ingat Kamu MAIA
0310674 Aku Dan Dirimu Ari Lasso Dan Bunga Citra Lestari
0313000 Kucinta Kau Apa Adanya Once
0711117 Belahan Jiwa ADA Band
0719026 Sebelum Cahaya Letto
0719029 Permintaan Hati Letto
1110225 Cinta Dalam Hati Ungu
1110237 AYAT AYAT CINTA Rossa
5510111 Tak Selamanya Selingkuh itu Indah (TSSII) Merpati Band

That is the top 12 of the month from NSP Telkomsel, all of these back ringtone songs are supposed to be the best music back tone of the month.
Every month we will supply top 12 list, the best music for your phone.
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Top 10 Kode Lagu i Ring Punya Indosat

1. Menjaga Hati Yovie & Nuno 060778099
2. Ayat-Ayat Cinta Rossa 060780099
3. Permintaan Hati Letto 060641499
4. Makhluk Tuhan Paling Sexy (Reff 2) Mulan Jameela 060785499
5. Cinta Dalam Hati Ungu 060619599
6. Munajat Cinta The Rock 060667499
7. Kucinta Kau Apa Adanya Once 060715699
8. Aku dan Dirimu Ari Lasso & BCL 060768199
9. Makhluk Tuhan Paling Sexy (Reff 1) Mulan Jameela 060785599
10. 11 januari GIGI 060681699

That is the top 10 of the month from i Ring Indosat, all of these back ringtone songs are supposed to be the best music of the month.
Every month we will supply top 10 list, the best music for your phone.

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X1 Windows Phone - Sony Ericsson Xperia

Sony Ericsson has unveiled the first in its Xperia family of phones, the X1, which is also its first phone based on Windows Mobile.

The X1, following hot on the heels of the new Nokia N96, is meant to herald Sony Ericsson’s solution for the “converged mobile experience”, which means it has lots of features and won’t be cheap. It’s an ‘arc-slider’ phone concealing a full QWERTY keyboard and sports a 3in touchscreen display with a good 800 x 480 resolution. Some might grumble over the display’s ability to only support 65K colours and that the camera is only 3.2MP, especially with rivals now cramming 5MP cameras into their newer models.

Customising your ‘experience’ is all the rage now so there’s 9 desktop layouts to choose from and they can be laid out in whatever fashion suits you. There’s support for Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and HSDPA connectivity as well as Assisted GPS (aGPS) for location-tagging your snaps. There’s a micro-USB port and inside is 400Mb of memory with, thankfully, a micro-SD slot for adding some decent storage space.

The X1 measures 110 x 53 x 16.7mm and weighs in at 145g
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Nokia N96, with TV

The N96 is the next generation from the Fat Phone N95, with superb built in feature, can play music, mp3 and videos and even TV.


The looks are somewhat more stylish and under the hood there’s a lot of the functionality already found in the N95. Two of the more noticeable differences is the storage bump from 8GB to 16Gb – good for around 40 hours of video - and the inclusion of a DVB-H receiver, the Euro standard for tuning in digital TV. There’s also a microSD card slot for adding another 8GB, if you really need it.

It sports a large 2.8in display and even a handy ‘kickstand’ so that you don’t have to hold it when watching videos. The quad-band phone sports a micro USB 2.0 port, supports Wi-Fi, Bluetooth and HSDPA. Weighing 125g, it measures 103 x 55 mm x 18 mm.

"In 2007, the Nokia N95 became an icon of convergence of Internet and mobility. With over 7 million units sold to date, the N95 has changed the way people use their mobile device. The Nokia N96 we introduced today builds on the success of N95, further enhancing the experience," says Jonas Geust, who oversees Nokia's Explore category.

"Through the power of the Internet, video and TV are becoming even more prevalent in people's lives. With its large, bright screen, and a range of high-speed connectivity options and the enhanced Nokia Video Center, the new Nokia N96 is a personal window to entertainment."

There’s a 5MP camera with Carl Zeiss optics, flash and video light and it can capture ‘DVD-like quality video’ at a respectable 30 frames per second (fps). There’s also the novelty of integrated Assisted GPS, allowing you to 'geotag' your pictures with location data for sharing online. And let's not forget the N-Gage gaming.

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Panduan dan Pengaturan i Ring punya Indosat

Mobile Settings

Pengaktifan Layanan i-ring 808:
Pelanggan dapat mengaktifkan layanan i-ring 808 melalui: WEB, WAP, SMS atau STK, atau dengan menghubungi Customer Service matrix 111, mentari 222 dan IM3 300.
Untuk pengaktifan layanan pertama kali, akan memakan waktu proses selama 1 x 24 jam. Anda akan diberikan notifikasi via SMS jika layanan i-ring 808 Anda telah aktif

1. Via WEB

Pelanggan yang ingin mendapatkan layanan i-ring diharuskan untuk melakukan Aktivasi terlebih dahulu dengan cara meng-Klik icon AKTIVASI
Setelah melakukan Aktivasi , Anda dapat memilih kategori musik atau jenis suara yang diinginkan dengan meng-klik tombol musik tersebut


Aktivasi i-ring

  • ketik: REG
  • kirim ke 808

Mendownload i-ring

· Ketik : SETKODE i-ring

· Kirim ke 808

Melihat Status i-ring

· Ketik : STATUS

· Kirim ke 808

Menonaktifkan i-ring

  • Ketik : UNREG
  • Kirim ke 808

· Pelanggan i-ring akan diberi notifikasi untuk memperpanjang layanan 3 (tiga) hari sebelum masa waktu layanan tsb habis

· Pelanggan harus secara eksplisit memilih pilihan ‘Perpanjangan’ dari menu ‘Langganan’ untuk memperpanjang layanan i-ring-nya untuk 1 (satu) bulan ke depan

· Menu ‘Status’ hanya dapat digunakan jika musik atau suara sudah di-set melalui menu ‘Kategori’ karena untuk men-set musik atau suara hanya dapat dilakukan dari menu ‘Kategori’

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Friday, February 15, 2008

Trick Download MP3 Gratis alias Free MP3

Seneng hunting MP3?? mo berbagi tips aja, moga moga bermanfaat. Caranya gampang banget kok, huntingnya juga gampang, cuman gugling aja.

Pertama masuk ke, trus di search box nya ketik script ini :

intitle:index.of +”last modified” +”parent directory” +(mp3|wma|ogg) +"nama artis" -htm -html -php -asp

misal nya mo cari lagu2nya silverchair :

intitle:index.of +”last modified” +”parent directory” +(mp3|wma|ogg) +"silverchair" -htm -html -php -asp

tar bakalan keluar beberapa web yg didalemnya nyimpen lagu-lagunya silverchair, tinggal dicari lagi mana yg lagi dicari, met berburu MP3 :)

nb: ouw iya, ini juga berlaku buat yg mo cari film ato e book, tinggal ganti ekstensi yg diinginkan aja :)
Boleh dicoba di search engine google dibawah ini....!!


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Tarif Harga i Ring punya Indosat

Biaya Aktifasi : Rp. 5.500,-
Biaya Perpanjangan : Rp. 5.500,-/30 hari
Pilihan lagu - Original Music : Rp. 7.000,-
Pilihan lagu - Sound Effect : Rp. 5.000,-

*Tarif fitur i-ring (belum termasuk ppn):

* untuk i-ring copy & gift
o pilihan original music :
o pilihan sound effect & voice artist : Rp5.000,-

* untuk i-ring date, time & group:
o pilihan original music :
o pilihan sound effect & voice artist : Rp6.000,-

Note : Tarif belum termasuk PPN 10%

Info 10 lagu terfavorit: Ketik: TOP 10, kirim ke 808 (gratis)

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History of Ringtones

The first commercial mobile ring tones were created and delivered in Finland in 1998 when a Finnish mobile operator Radiolinja (today Elisa) started their downloadable mobile ring tone service called Harmonium. Invented by Vesa-Matti Paananen.[1], the Harmonium contained both tools for individuals to create monophonic ring tones and a mechanism to deliver them over-the-air (OTA) via SMS to a mobile handset. The service concept spread quickly in Europe and Asia and developed into a multi-billion dollar industry.[2] A ring tone service was one of the very first successful m-commerce services, with social media features like composing, sharing, and rating ring tones. The Harmonium also quickly created a market for high-quality professional ring tones and commercial ring tone libraries.

The rise of video games has also contributed to the popularity of ring tones.[3] On August 5, 2006, the BBC described "free ring tones" as a dangerous search term, because of the risk of malware and other malicious websites.[4]

By 2005, ring tones generated more than $2 billion in annual worldwide revenues.[5] Real tones, which are often excerpts from pop songs, have become popular as ring tones.
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